Category:String Functions
(Redirected from String Functions)
String variables are added by NVSE 4. They simply store strings, which are some combination of text characters.
See the page on String Variables for more information and tutorials.
Pages in category "String Functions"
The following 114 pages are in this category, out of 114 total.
- GetBipedIconPath
- GetBipedModelPath
- GetBodyPartName
- GetEditorID
- GetFactionRankFemaleNames
- GetFactionRankNames
- GetFalloutDirectory
- GetFontFile
- GetFormDescription
- GetFormIDString
- GetIconPath
- GetItemHotkeyIconPath
- GetKeyName
- GetLoadScreenTexture
- GetLocationName
- GetMapMarkerName
- GetModelPath
- GetName
- GetNameOfClass
- GetNthFactionRankName
- GetNthModName
- GetNthPerkEntryString
- GetObjectiveText
- GetProjectileMuzzleFlash
- GetRaceName
- GetRawFormIDString
- GetRegionMapName
- GetStringGameSetting
- GetTexturePath
- GetUIString
- GetWorldSpaceMapTexture
- ScancodeToChar
- SetBipedIconPathEx
- SetBipedModelPathEx
- SetBodyPartName
- SetCustomMapMarkerIcon
- SetEditorID
- SetFontFile
- SetFormDescription
- SetFullNameAlt
- SetIconPath
- SetIconPathEx
- SetLoadScreenTexture
- SetMapMarkerName
- SetModelPath
- SetModelPathEx
- SetName
- SetNameEx
- SetNthFactionRankNameEx
- SetObjectiveText
- SetProjectileMuzzleFlash
- SetRefName
- SetRegionMapName
- SetTextInputString
- SetTexturePath
- SetUIString
- SetUIStringAlt
- SetUIStringEx
- ShowTextInputMenu
- String Formatting
- StringContainsCyrillic
- StringToClipboard
- StringToRef
- Sv Capitalize
- Sv Compare
- Sv Construct
- Sv Count
- Sv Destruct
- Sv Erase
- Sv Find
- Sv GetChar
- Sv Insert
- Sv Length
- Sv PadEnd
- Sv PadStart
- Sv Percentify
- Sv RegexMatch
- Sv RegexReplace
- Sv RegexSearch
- Sv Replace
- Sv Set
- Sv Split
- Sv SubString
- Sv ToLower
- Sv ToNumeric
- Sv ToUpper