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  • ID: Unique Editor ID that can be used in scripts and can be searched in the Object Window with the "filter" bar.
  • Name: The weapon’s name displayed in-game.
  • Script: Defines a script to play continuously on the weapon.
  • Object Effect: The Object Effect applied to the target when struck with the weapon. The effect will not be applied unless the weapon has at least 1 point of damage.
  • Ammunition: Specifies what type of ammo the weapon will use. This setting will also accept objects in a Form List. For more information, see Ammunition Tricks.
  • Clip Rounds: The maximum number of rounds that can be stored in the weapon's clip.
  • Skill: Defines which skill factors into the weapon's damage and spread calculations. See Weapon Damage Formula & Gun Spread Formula for more details.
  • Regen Rate: (New Vegas Only) Determines the amount of seconds it takes for the weapon to regenerate 1 ammo. If set to 0 (default), no ammo is regenerated. The regenerated ammo is loaded directly into the current clip. If this is greater than 0, prevents being able to reload manually. It also makes the max ammo UI element display the max ammo per clip, instead of the max ammo that the player has.
    • While the GECK rounds this to an int, this field is a float.
  • Damage Per Second: The estimated damage done per second with the weapon's associated skill at 0 and 100. The following settings factor into the GECK's DPS calculator:
    • Damage: Damage done per melee swing or gun shot. The primary factor in the DPS calculation.
    • Fire Rate: The number of rounds fired every 2 seconds. Only affects the DPS formula if the "Automatic" box is checked.
    • Multiplier & Attack Multiplier: The DPS can only be calculated if these variables are set above zero.
  • Repair Item List: The specified Form List containing objects used to repair the weapon.
  • Equip Type: Determines the weapon's categorization and hotkey icon. Also sets the default pickup/putdown sounds if none are explicitly defined.


  • NPCs Use Ammo: Actors will use up the associated ammo in their inventory like the player does. (This setting is disabled by default.)
  • Ignores Normal Weapon Resistance: (FO3 only) Broken as of 1.5 patch. Causes the weapon to ignore the target's armour when calculating damage. (FNV Only) Fixed in JIPLN via jip_nvse.ini setting bIgnoreDTDRFix
  • Automatic: Holding the attack button down will cause the weapon to fire continuously. May not function properly if an incompatible firing animation is selected.
  • Can't Drop: The weapon cannot be disarmed from actors, nor will it drop when the actor dies; however, the player can remove it from the actor’s inventory if the “Playable” option is checked.
  • Not Used in Normal Combat: Prevents Actors from using the weapon unless specified in the Use Weapon Package.
  • Quest Item: The weapon cannot be removed from the world, nor can it be removed from the player’s inventory. Dead bodies that contain a quest item will not despawn until the item is removed.
  • Playable: The weapon can be used and picked up by the player. When disabled, the "Can't Drop" setting will be checked automatically, and the weapon won't show up in the Actors inventory screen. This setting is generally unchecked for weapons that are mounted into the actor.
  • Player Only: Actors will not use or pick up the weapon.
  • No Jam After Reload: The weapon will never jam after a reload. See fWeaponConditionReloadJamXX for more details.
  • Minor Crime: Attacking an actor with the weapon will be considered a minor crime (as opposed to assault, a major crime). For more information, see Crime.
  • Hide Backpack: Hides any equipped armor or armor addon that occupies the "Backpack" biped slot.

Game Data Tab

  • Weight: The weight of the weapon.
  • Health: The weapon's condition, which determines the damage it can take before being destroyed.
  • Reach: For melee weapons, this is a multiplier used in the reach formula: fCombatDistance * NPCScale * Reach (where fCombatDistance is a game setting).
  • Fire Rate: The number of shots the weapon can fire per second.
Note: This only applies to automatic weapons; the rate of fire for single-shot weapons is dictated by the "Attack Multiplier," which can be found under "Art & Sound" -> "Animation."
  • Spread: This value has no effect on the spread of the weapon, however this can be restored in Fallout 3 by setting the condition spread game settings to a value higher than 0. This setting goes unused in New Vegas.
  • Min Spread: The median angle, in degrees, at which projectiles will radiate out of the gun's barrel. Projectiles will deviate at a minimum angle of 0° and a maximum angle of twice this value. For more information, see Gun Spread Formula.
  • Sight FOV: The angle of view when using iron sights (zooming in). The applicable values, and their corresponding effect, is as follows:

Value Effect
1-5, 75 No change in field of vision.
75 > Narrows the field of vision, allowing the player to see further away.
75 < Widens the field of vision, increasing the player's peripheral vision.
0 Essentially disables iron sights. Sight FOV can't be set lower than zero.

  • Sight Usage: The percentage of fCombatIronSightsDistance to determine how far away an actor needs to be away from their target to use iron sights. Setting this to 0 means the actor will always use iron sights with this weapon. Setting this higher than 1.0 sets a distance further than fCombatIronSightsDistance.
  • Crit Dmg: The added damage the weapon will do on a critical hit.
  • Value: Base monetary value in bottle caps, before barter skill and weapon condition is factored in.
  • Damage: The amount of damage done per hit. See the Weapon Damage Formula for more information.
  • Ammo Use: The amount of ammo used per shot.
  • # Projectiles: The number of projectiles fired per shot.
  • Limb Dmg Mult: Affects how much damage the weapon does to limbs.
Note: This is unconfirmed, but if this setting is set to zero or lower, it will revert to the default damage multiplier.
  • Base VATS To-Hit Chance: In VATS, this variable controls the chance to hit the weapon when it's held by another actor; this is factored before distance, gun skill, and screen percentage are taken into account. Usually, this value is set based upon the size of the weapon.
  • Crit % Mult: The weapon multiplier used in the critical hit chance formula. If set to zero, the weapon will not cause any critical hits, even for sneak attacks. Normally, this setting is left at one. See the Critical Hit Chance Formula for more details.
Note: For automatic weapons, this value is divided by the "Fire Rate." For example, an Assault Rifle has a "Crit % Mult" of 1.0, and a "Fire Rate" of 8, so the actual multiplier would be 0.125 per shot.
  • Burst Shot: Unknown; burst weapons like the SMG and Assault Rifle do not have this setting checked.
  • Long Bursts: If this box is checked, the weapon will fire in longer bursts during VATS. This setting only applies to automatic weapons.

Possible GECK v1.1 Bug: If you close the Weapon Form window while "Long Bursts" is checked, you will no longer be able to disable the setting (i.e. every time you uncheck it, it will remain checked the next time you open the window). However, FO3Edit can be used to disable this setting if necessary.

  • Aim Arc: The arc along which the projectile travels. At 0, the projectile travels along a straight line and there is no need for vertical aim adjustment. Aim arc sets how much of an angle on the Z axis a creature is allowed to be at when firing the weapon. A smaller angle means the more the creature must face its target before firing the weapon, while a bigger angle allows them to fire from the side or back.
  • Kill Impulse: A number that probably relates to damage caused to a target; it is unknown how the number represents that damage, but what is confirmed is that it determines at which level the target is pushed back.
  • Impulse Dist: If the number in "Kill Impulse" is achieved, this is the distance that the target is pushed back.
  • Semi-Automatic Fire Delay Min: Determines the time before an Actor fires after their target is in line of sight.
  • Semi-Automatic Fire Delay Max: Determines semi-auto weapon's fire rate when used by actors. This variable affects the GECK-calculated DPS stat. However, the affect only appears after you click OK and close the Weapon window.
  • Crit Effect: The Actor Effect that is applied to the target on a critical hit. In order for an Actor Effect to be listed, its range must be set to "Self." See Critical Tricks.
    • On Death: If checked, the Critical Effect is only applied when the target is killed.
  • Resist: This determines the Damage Type of the weapon, by specifying the resistance value that affects the damage dealt. For example, the Flamer is set to FireResist, which sets the damage type as Fire.
    • Options: NONE, DamageResist, ElectricResist, EmpResist, EnergyResist, FireResist, FrostResist, PoisonResist, and RadResist.

On Hit

  • Normal formula behavior: The weapon will calculate the chance to sever and explode limbs.
  • Dismember only: The weapon will only calculate the chance to sever limbs.
  • Explode only: The weapon will only calculate the chance to explode limbs.
  • No Dismember/Explode: All limbs hit by the weapon will remain intact.


  • Min Range: Tells combat AI they don't need to be closer than this value.
  • Max Range: Tells combat AI they don't want to be any further away than this value.
  • Fixed: If checked, the combat AI will not use Combat Style multipliers for the weapon.


  • Action Points: Overrides the standard number of action points the weapon uses.
  • Damage to Weapon Multiplier: Overrides the multiplier that determines the amount of damage the weapon will take. (0.0 causes the weapon to take no damage. > 1.0 causes the weapon to take more damage than it delivers)

Embedded Weapon

Checked if the weapon is a built in part of the creature.

  • Node: Node that the weapon is attached to.
  • Actor Value: The condition value affected when the weapon is targeted.

Art and Sound Tab

  • Inventory Image: The image the weapon is identified with in the inventory screen.
  • Message Icon: The icon that appears on acquiring the weapon.
  • Projectile: The projectile used by the weapon.
  • Impact Data Set: Determines how the weapon affects different material types on impact.
  • Reload Anim: The reload animation used for the weapon.
  • Hand Grip: Determines how the weapon is gripped.
  • Attack Anim: The firing animation used for the weapon.
  • Shell Casing: The file containing the 3D model of the weapon's shell casings.
  • Animation Type: Determines which animations the weapon can use. For more details on how this value can be used in scripts, see GetWeaponAnimType.
  • Attack Sound (3D): The sound form played when an actor fires the weapon.
  • Attack Sound (Dist): The sound form played when the player is outside the Maximum Attenuation Distance of the 3D sound.
  • Attack Sound (2D): The sound form played when the player fires the weapon.
  • Attack Loop: The sound loop used when the weapon is fired. For instance, the Flamer and the Minigun use this instead of "Attack Sound."
Note: Attack Loop sounds are buggy, If the weapon is fired not long after previously been fired, the sound will fail to play. Also Attack Loop sounds can be stuck playing permanently in the game world. For these reasons it's better to not use them unless necessary.
  • Attack Fail (No Ammo/Melee Miss): The sound form used by the weapon when it runs out of ammunition or, in the case of melee weapons, when it misses.
  • Melee Block: The sound form played whenever the weapon is hit while blocking.
  • Detection Sound Level: Volume of the weapon as it is fired.
  • Add Destruction Data: Used to define what the weapon will look like when it's damaged.
  • Idle Sound: The sound form played whenever the weapon is held. For example, the Flamer makes a hissing noise when idle.
  • Equip Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is drawn.
  • Unequip Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is holstered.
  • Pickup Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is added to the player's inventory, or when it's equipped.
  • Putdown Sound: The sound played when the weapon is removed from the player's inventory, or when it's unequipped.


  • Model: The file containing the weapon's default model.
Note: This is the only setting that dictates how the weapon will appear on actors.
  • 1st Person Model Object: The static object that overrides the default model when the player uses the weapon. Usually, this is the same mesh as the "Model," but with higher resolution Texture Set overrides.
  • Armor List: The Form List containing Armor, or Armor Addons, which an actor will wear when they equip the weapon. For example, the Shishkebab uses a Form List containing the Armor Addon "ARMAShishkebabGlove" (an oven mitt worn on the right hand).
  • World Model: The model that overrides the default model when the weapon is placed in the world.

Regarding Textures: In order to change textures for a weapon, you must change the textures for both the Models listed here, as well as the textures for the corresponding 1st Person Model Object, which can be found under World Objects -> Static in the Object Window


  • Multiplier: Increases or decreases the weapon's firing and holstering animation speed.
Note: This setting does not actually affect reload or jam animation speed, despite what the GECK says.
  • Attack Multiplier: Speeds up or slows down just the attack animation. This will also increase or decrease the projectile ejection rate depending on where its set.
  • Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations: When checked, the player will not use the weapon's iron sight animation in 1st person mode.
  • Don't Use 3rd Person IS Animations: When checked, actors, including the player when in 3rd person mode, will not use the weapon's iron sight animation.
  • Attack Shots/Sec: How many shots the weapon can fire per second.
  • Reload Time: Unused.
  • Jam Time: Unused.

Has Scope

  • Target NIF: The file containing the overlay effect used in iron sights mode.
  • Effect: The shader effect applied to the target, or the view, when the scope is used.
Note: It appears that this value is ignored by the game engine.
  • Has Night Vision: If checked, when aiming down the weapon's scope, the player is granted night vision if they are in an interior or if the time is considered to be night.
  • Comes from Weapon Mod: If checked, the weapon's scope and scope effects will only appear once a weapon mod with the 'Increase Zoom' effect is applied to the weapon.

Rumble Tab

  • Left motor strength: Sets the rumble strength for the left side of the controller.
  • Right motor strength: Sets the rumble strength for the right side of the controller.
  • Duration: Sets the duration for the controller to rumble.
  • Pattern: Determines the vibration waveform used.
  • Wavelength: Unknown
  • Alternate: Unknown

Mod Info

DPS Info

Custom Weapons

To find out how to make weapon models, see Creating A Custom Weapon.

To add a custom weapon to your inventory via the console, follow these steps:

  1. In the GECK, find the Form ID number of your weapon. By default, the Form ID column is hidden, so you will need to expand it to make it visible (it's found in the Object Window between Editor ID and Count).
  2. Open the Fallout Mod Manager and find the index number of your mod. Substitute the first 2 numbers in the Form ID for the mod index number of your mod. For example, if your weapon's Form ID is 01010b5c, and your mod index number is 17, the number would be 17010b5c.
  3. In game, bring up the console by pressing the tilde (~) key, then type:

player.additem FormID Count

FormID stands for the modified Form ID and Count refers to the number of objects you wish to add. So for example, you might type:

player.additem 17010b5c 1

See Also