Category:Time Functions
Functions related to durations and time.
See Also
- Special Variables for several global variables which keep track of time.
- GetTempEffects can return the time left for active temp effects.
Pages in category "Time Functions"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
- GameDaysPassed
- GameGetSecondsPassed
- GetActorDiveBreath
- GetCurrentTime
- GetDayOfWeek
- GetDetonationTimer
- GetFallTimeElapsed
- GetFallTimeRemaining
- GetGameDaysPassed
- GetGlobalTimeMultiplier
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetProjectileRefLifeTime
- GetSecondsPassed
- GetSessionTime
- GetTimeDead
- GetTimePlayed
- GetTimeStamp
- GetUserTime