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ExtraData is tied to References, and is used by the game engine to store "extra" information about such references, some of which can be save-baked. In essence, they help make each reference unique, by keeping track of their health, ownership, etc.

For example, when the game needs to store/retrieve information about the current health of a Weapon reference that's on the ground, it uses ExtraData. If the weapon reference has no such Health ExtraData, then its current health is assumed to be its base health. Otherwise, its current health is determined by the Health ExtraData.

Types of ExtraData

ExtraData comes in many different types. Below is a list of such types:

Number ExtraData Type Notes Related Function(s)
0 Unknown00
1 Havok
2 Cell3D
3 CellWaterType
4 RegionList
5 SeenData
6 EditorID
7 CellMusicType
8 CellClimate
9 ProcessMiddleLow
10 CellCanopyShadowMask
11 DetachTime
12 PersistentCell
13 Script
14 Action
15 StartingPosition
16 Anim
17 Unknown11
18 UsedMarkers
19 DistantData
20 RagdollData
21 ContainerChanges
22 Worn
23 WornLeft
24 PackageStartLocation
25 Package
26 TrespassPackage
27 RunOncePacks
28 ReferencePointer
29 Follower
30 LevCreaModifier
31 Ghost
32 OriginalReference
33 Ownership
34 Global
35 Rank
36 Count Returns the amount of stacked items in a placed reference. GetRefCount, SetRefCount - if called on a placed reference.
37 Health Determines the current health of an Item. GetCurrentHealth
38 Uses
39 TimeLeft
40 Charge
41 Light
42 Lock Holds Lock information, like if a Container is locked or not, what its lock difficulty is, etc. GetLocked, GetIsLockBroken, GetLockedOut/SetLockedOut, GetLockLevel, Lock, Unlock
43 Teleport
44 MapMarker
45 Unknown2D
46 LeveledCreature
47 LeveledItem
48 Scale
49 Seed
50 NonActorMagicCaster
51 NonActorMagicTarget
52 Unknown34
53 PlayerCrimeList
54 Unknown36
55 EnableStateParent
56 EnableStateChildren
57 ItemDropper
58 DroppedItemList
59 RandomTeleportMarker
60 MerchantContainer
61 SavedHavokData
62 CannotWear
63 Poison
64 Unknown40
65 LastFinishedSequence
66 SavedAnimation
67 NorthRotation
68 XTarget
69 FriendHits
70 HeadingTarget
71 Unknown47
72 RefractionProperty
73 StartingWorldOrCell
74 Hotkey
75 Unknown4B
76 EditorRefMovedData
77 InfoGeneralTopic
78 HasNoRumors
79 Sound
80 TerminalState
81 LinkedRef
82 LinkedRefChildren
83 ActivateRef
84 ActivateRefChildren
85 TalkingActor
86 ObjectHealth Determines the current health of a DestructibleObject. GetCurrentHealth
87 DecalRefs
88 Unknown58
89 CellImageSpace
90 NavMeshPortal
91 ModelSwap
92 Radius
93 Radiation
94 FactionChanges
95 DismemberedLimbs
96 ActorCause
97 MultiBound
98 MultiBoundData
99 MultiBoundRef
100 Unknown64
101 ReflectedRefs
102 ReflectorRefs
103 EmittanceSource
104 RadioData
105 CombatStyle
106 Unknown6A
107 Primitive
108 OpenCloseActivateRef
109 AnimNoteReciever
110 Ammo
111 PatrolRefData
112 PackageData
113 OcclusionPlane
114 CollisionData
115 SayTopicInfoOnceADay
116 EncounterZone
117 SayToTopicInfo
118 OcclusionPlaneRefData
119 PortalRefData
120 Portal
121 Room
122 HealthPerc
123 RoomRefData
124 GuardedRefData
125 CreatureAwakeSound
126 WaterZoneMap
127 Unknown7F
128 IgnoredBySandbox
129 CellAcousticSpace
130 ReservedMarkers
131 WeaponIdleSound
132 WaterLightRefs
133 LitWaterRefs
134 WeaponAttackSound
135 ActivateLoopSound
136 PatrolRefInUseData
137 AshPileRef
138 CreatureMovementSound
139 FollowerSwimBreadcrumbs
140 CellImpactSwap
141 WeaponModFlags
142 ModdingItem
143 SecuritronFace
144 AudioMarker
145 AudioBuoyMarker
146 SpecialRenderFlags


  • Although certain functions allow adding ExtraData to references, the game engine is usually selective about what kind of ExtraData it wants to save depending on the reference's type.
    • For all references, ContainerChanges is saved.
    • For Actors, PersistentCell, PackageStartLocation, RunOncePacks, ItemDropper, LastFinishedSequence, HeadingTarget, InfoGeneralTopic, and HasNoRumors are saved.
    • A quick test using SetRadius reveals that Radius ExtraData is not saved on Actors, unlike the above.

See Also