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Link to TES4 Construction Set Wiki: Packages

Packages Dialog Window

  • ID: Enter a name for this package.
  • Package Type: Select the type of package being used.
  • Combat Style: Select the Combat Style the actor will use when the package is being run.

(Package Type) Tab

The first tab will always be specific to the selected Package Type. The special functions for the Dialogue Package, for example, will appear in the Dialogue tab. See the article for the Package Type:

Flags Tab

Set the flags to use for this package. Flags that are incompatible with the selected Package Type will be grayed out.

Misc. Flags

  • Must Complete: Package will not terminate until all the conditions are met. For example, the target must be found with a find, the location must be reached with a travel, etc.
  • Must Reach Location: Package will not terminate until the location conditions are satisfied.
  • Continue if PC near: This package will not terminate (iterate to done) so long as the PC is nearby. Primarily used to keep shops open so long as the PC is in there, even if the package should have expired.
  • Once Per Day: Package will not run again in the same day. A day is defined as a 24 hour block beginning when the package was first selected by the actor. This is useful to make sure that a package is not immediately selected again after being completed, even though the conditions might select it.
  • Always Run: Actor always runs during this package.
  • Always Sneak: Actor always sneaks during this package.
  • Allow Swimming: Actors will not swim to reach destinations unless this flag is set.
  • Allow Falls: Actors will not jump off of an elevation that will cause damage unless this flag is set.
  • Offers Services: If the actor is a service provider, he will offer services so long as this package is running. Actors that provide services will also try to keep the player in sight if not otherwise engaged in some task.
  • No Idle Anims: Turns off Idle animations during package.
  • HeadTracking Off: Actor's head is locked looking straight ahead.
  • No Combat Alert: The No Combat Alert flag prevents the actor from doing "combat alert" search behavior: the search behavior that normally happens when an actor detects an enemy between -20 and 0. If the flag is checked, the actor will only go into combat when he detects an enemy directly (detection > 0).
  • Weapon Drawn: Actor will have weapon out during package.
  • Weapons Unequipped: The actor will not show any visible weapon while running this package, even if he has one equipped.
  • Pretend in Combat: The Pretend In Combat flag causes the actor to enter combat when the package is begun. The combat system will then continue the package. The primary use for this flag is to have an actor to move from cover point to cover point on their way to a destination, pretending they are under fire as they go. If the actor acquires a real target, they will stop moving to the destination and perform standard combat behavior. Once the target is eliminated, they will resume heading to the destination. See Combat Package Flags for details.
  • Continue During Combat: The Continue During Combat flag causes the actor to continue their package behavior if they enter combat while executing the package. So if an actor is on a travel package with the Continue During Combat flag checked, they will walk normally to their destination. However, if they are attacked during this time, they will continue towards their destination while firing at their target, using cover along the way. See Combat Package Flags for details.
  • Defensive Combat: The actor will not attack an NPC or creature, unless he is attacked first. Normally an actor will attack characters he hates, or attack his friends for stealing his stuff. This flag cancels that behavior. The exception is for the Accompany, Escort and Follow packages. For these three, if the target is attacked, the actor will join into the combat. See Combat Package Flags for details.
  • Enable Fallout Behavior:
    • Hellos to player: Allow the actor to say hello to the player.
    • Random conversations: Allow the actor to participate in random conversations. (The packages that can initiate random conversations are Sandbox, Guard, Eat, and Patrol.)
    • Observe combat behavior: Allow the actor to do "observe combat" behavior when near combat that he is not part of. This makes it so an actor will run away if they get too close to the player or another actor that is in combat, this will interrupt the package and delay it's effect.
    • Reaction to player actions: Allow the actor to use default dialogue topics to react to player actions (see Topics Tab).
    • Friendly fire comments: Allow the actor to use the Hit combat topic to react to friendly fire.
    • Aggro Radius Behavior: Allow aggro radius behavior (if any).
    • Idle Chatter: Allow idle chatter using the IdleChatter topic.
    • Avoid Radiation: Allow actors to avoid entering radiated areas.

Door Flags

  • At package start: Lock/unlock doors: When the package starts, the actor will lock or unlock all the doors in the cell.
  • When at location: Lock/unlock doors: For the duration of the package, the actor will keep all doors in the cell locked or unlocked. If the player or another actor changes the lock status of a door, the NPC will force it back to the indicated value.
  • At package end: Lock/unlock doors: When the package end, the actor will lock or unlock all the doors in the cell.

Schedule Tab

Sets the time at which the package can run. The schedule cannot be in less than one hour blocks. As a rule, either set day and month, or day of the week, not both.

Conditions Tab

A full set of conditions that must be true for the package to be selected. Only applies if the schedule is valid. "Run on Target" is only valid if the package has a defined Target.

Begin/End/Change Tab

For each of the possible state changes of a package (Begin, End/Done, Change) you can specify an Idle to be played, a Topic to be said, and a Results Script to be run. The script is run first, so if you set a quest stage or variable in the results script, the topic and idle will react to it.


  • On End idle only works for packages which have a "done" state.
  • On Begin scripts do not run when loading a save game, if the package was already running at the time of the save.
  • If a package is marked Must Complete, On End idle will finish playing before starting the next package.
  • In Fallout New Vegas cell orientation matters when pathing through doors. Use North Markers to make sure cells are oriented in the correct cardinal direction.

Idles Tab

In Fallout, Packages additionally have an Idle Collection so the idles used by an actor running the package do not necessarily have to be picked through the idle manager.

Standard Location

Many packages will use the same "location" controls. When "Standard Location Data" is specified in a package description, the controls are defined as follows.

On the main Package interface:

  • Radius (editable)
  • Button with display text describing currently selected location:
    • Near Editor Location
    • Near Current Location
    • In Cell 'CellName'
    • Reference: 'RefName' (same as used in displaying reference in condition interface)
  • Pressing this button brings up the Location Window below.

Location Window:

  • List of 4 radio buttons:
    • Near Editor Location (default selection)
    • Near Current Location
    • In Cell -- with Cell dropdown to the right, greyed out until selected. If "In Cell" is selected, Radius is greyed out.
    • Near Reference -- with Select Reference button, Cell and Ref lists to the right.

Standard Search Data

Many packages involve search behavior. The controls are standardized across all package dialogues as follows:

  • Search Location -- Standard Location Data as above (radius, text summary of location, "edit location" button)
  • Checkboxes:
    • Allow Buying
    • Allow Killing
    • Allow Stealing
  • Replace after use? -- checkbox -- if checked, NPC will replace the object (if picked up from the world) at the end of the package; otherwise, will keep in inventory. (This should be greyed out on the Eat and Find packages)

Package Idles

When these idles play depends on the package:

  • Travel: Idles play when at travel location.
  • Patrol: Idles play when at a patrol point (unless the patrol point is an Idle Marker or a chair or activator etc.)
  • Eat and Sleep: Idles play while sleeping/eating.
  • Follow/Escort/Accompany: Idles play while not moving but waiting for target to move.
  • Dialogue: Idles play while talking (instead of using idle manager to choose talking idles).
  • Wander/Sandbox: Idles play when not moving or otherwise interacting with objects.
  • Flee: Idles play when at flee destination.
  • Find: Idles play when "activating" the target of the find.
  • Use Item: Idles play at idle location (instead of pulling from the idle manager).
  • Use Weapon: Idles are not used for Use Weapon package.

Note that package idles are only superseded by:

  • Idles on idle marker -- e.g. if a patrolling actor is at an idle marker, it will use the idles from the marker instead of the idles from its package.
  • Idles on dialogue infos -- if the info specifies an idle, that will override any idles on the package while the line is being spoken.


  • In Fallout New Vegas packages may not work as they did in Fallout 3 and subsequent games.
  • In Fallout New Vegas unloaded actors may not run their packages regardless of persistence level or quest item status.
  • In Fallout New Vegas Door Flags can behave unexpectedly.
  • In Fallout New Vegas Z height checking is broken for destinations and for xmarker target distance checks.
  • In Fallout New Vegas Door Locking and Unlocking packages do not work correctly


  • Actors with "No Low Level Processing" and Travel packages can only travel while the player is near. If the player leaves the area the actor will never reach their destination and will only resume travel once the player is near regardless of what package flags you use. For this reason it's recommended to not use the "No Low Level Processing" flag on actors you need to travel to locations without the player present.