Category:Game Effect Functions
Functions related to Game Effects, which are applied onto Actors.
See Also
Pages in category "Game Effect Functions"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- GetActiveEffects
- GetActorEffectType
- GetActorValueModifier
- GetAddictionChance
- GetAddictionEffect
- GetBaseEffectArchetype
- GetBaseEffectAV
- GetBaseEffectFlag
- GetBaseEffectScript
- GetBaseSpellListLevSpells
- GetBaseSpellListSpells
- GetEffectFlag
- GetEffectShaderTexturePath
- GetEffectShaderTraitNumeric
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetHardcoreStageEffect
- GetIngestibleFlag
- GetIsPoison
- GetIsPoisoned
- GetNthActorEffect
- GetNthEffectBase
- GetNthEffectTraitNumeric
- GetNumActorEffects
- GetNumEffects
- GetObjectEffect
- GetSpellUsageNum
- GetTempEffects
- GetWaterFormEffect
- GetWeaponCritEffect
- ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
- SetAddictionChance
- SetAddictionEffect
- SetBaseEffectFlag
- SetBaseEffectScript
- SetEffectFlag
- SetEffectShaderTexturePath
- SetEffectShaderTraitNumeric
- SetHardcoreStageEffect
- SetIngestibleFlag
- SetNthEffectBase
- SetNthEffectTraitNumeric
- SetObjectEffect
- SetOnUseAidItemEventHandler
- SetWaterFormEffect
- SetWeaponCritEffect
- StopMagicEffectVisuals
- StopMagicShaderVisuals