Category:Functions (NVSE)
(Redirected from Complete List of Functions in NVSE)
Functions added by the New Vegas Script Extender. Note that if the article states "A function added by the New Vegas Script Extender" in the version line at the top, then it is not included in Fallout 3's FOSE. However, the FOSE functions are included in NVSE.
See Also
Pages in category "Functions (NVSE)"
The following 587 pages are in this category, out of 587 total.
- ActorValueToString
- ActorValueToStringC
- AddAnimation
- AddItemHealthPercentOwner
- AddItemOwnership
- AddPackageAt
- AddSpellNS
- Ar All
- Ar Any
- Ar Append
- Ar BadNumericIndex
- Ar BadStringIndex
- Ar Construct
- Ar Copy
- Ar CustomSort
- Ar DeepCopy
- Ar DeepEquals
- Ar Dump
- Ar DumpF
- Ar DumpID
- Ar Erase
- Ar Filter
- Ar Find
- Ar FindWhere
- Ar First
- Ar ForEach
- Ar Generate
- Ar HasKey
- Ar Init
- Ar Insert
- Ar InsertRange
- Ar Keys
- Ar Last
- Ar List
- Ar Map
- Ar MapTo
- Ar Next
- Ar Null
- Ar Packed
- Ar Prev
- Ar Range
- Ar Resize
- Ar Size
- Ar Sort
- Ar SortAlpha
- Ar Unique
- AsciiToChar
- Assert
- Call
- CallAfterFrames
- CallAfterSeconds
- CallForSeconds
- CallFunctionCond
- CallWhen
- CallWhile
- CallWhilePerSeconds
- Ceil
- CharToAscii
- ClearBit
- ClearHotkey
- CompareNames
- CompareScripts
- CompileScript
- Con CloseAllMenus
- Con GetINISetting
- Con Inv
- Con LoadGame
- Con QuitGame
- Con RefreshINI
- Con Save
- Con SaveINI
- Con SCOF
- Con SetGameSetting
- Con SetINISetting
- Con SetUFOCamSpeedMult
- Con SetVel
- Con ShowVars
- Con SQV
- Con TCL
- Con TDT
- Con TFC
- Con TFIK
- Con ToggleMenus
- Continue
- CopyIR
- CopyIRAlt
- CreateTempRef
- GenericAddForm
- GenericDeleteForm
- GenericGetForm
- GenericReplaceForm
- GetActiveFactions
- GetActiveRanks
- GetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- GetActorBaseFlagsLow
- GetAgeClass
- GetAllModLocalData
- GetAltControl
- GetAltPerkRank
- GetAmmoCasing
- GetAmmoConsumedPercent
- GetAmmoSpeed
- GetArmorDT
- GetArrayVariable
- GetAttackDamage
- GetBaseFactions
- GetBaseForm
- GetBaseHealth
- GetBaseNthFaction
- GetBaseNthRank
- GetBaseNumFactions
- GetBaseObject
- GetBasePackages
- GetBaseRanks
- GetBaseSpellListLevSpells
- GetBaseSpellListSpells
- GetBipedIconPath
- GetBipedModelPath
- GetBit
- GetCallingScript
- GetClass
- GetCommandOpcode
- GetConsoleEcho
- GetConsoleOutputFileName
- GetControl
- GetCrosshairRef
- GetCurrentEventName
- GetCurrentHealth
- GetCurrentObjective
- GetCurrentPackage
- GetCurrentQuestObjectiveTeleportLinks
- GetCurrentScript
- GetDebugMode
- GetDebugSelection
- GetDefaultForms
- GetDialogueSpeaker
- GetDialogueSubject
- GetDialogueTarget
- GetDoorTeleportX/Y/Z/Rot
- GetEquipmentBipedMask
- GetEquipmentSlotsMask
- GetEquippedCurrentHealth
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponCanUseAmmo
- GetEquippedWeaponModFlags
- GetEquippedWeaponUsesAmmoList
- GetEquipType
- GetEventHandlers
- GetEyes
- GetEyesFlags
- GetFactionRankFemaleNames
- GetFactionRankNames
- GetFalloutDirectory
- GetFirstRef
- GetFirstRefForItem
- GetFirstRefInCell
- GetFlagsHigh
- GetFlagsLow
- GetFormIDString
- GetGameLoaded
- GetGameRestarted
- GetGridsToLoad
- GetHair
- GetHairColor
- GetHairFlags
- GetHairLength
- GetHeadingAngleX
- GetHeadParts
- GetHigherPriorityEventHandlers
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetIconPath
- GetInGrid
- GetInGridInCell
- GetInventoryObject
- GetInvRefsForItem
- GetItemValue
- GetKeyName
- GetKeyPress
- GetLevCharacterRefs
- GetLevCreatureRefs
- GetLinkedDoor
- GetListForms
- GetLocalRefIndex
- GetLowerPriorityEventHandlers
- GetModelPath
- GetModIndex
- GetModLocalData
- GetMouseButtonPress
- GetName
- GetNameOfClass
- GetNextRef
- GetNextRefForItem
- GetNPCHeight
- GetNPCWeight
- GetNthAnimation
- GetNthDefaultForm
- GetNthExplicitRef
- GetNthFactionRankName
- GetNthModName
- GetNthPackage
- GetNthQuestObjective
- GetNumericGameSetting
- GetNumericINISetting
- GetNumericIniSetting
- GetNumExplicitRefs
- GetNumItems
- GetNumKeysPressed
- GetNumLoadedMods
- GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
- GetNumRanks
- GetNumRefs
- GetNumRefsInCell
- GetNVSEBeta
- GetNVSERevision
- GetNVSEVersion
- GetObjectEffect
- GetObjectType
- GetOpenKey
- GetOwner
- GetOwningFactionRequiredRank
- GetPackageCount
- GetPackageLocation
- GetPackageLocationRadius
- GetPackageTargetDistance
- GetPaired
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellOwner
- GetParentCellOwningFactionRequiredRank
- GetParentWorldspace
- GetPerkRank
- GetPermanent
- GetPlayerControlsDisabledAlt
- GetPlayerControlsDisabledAltEx
- GetPlayerCurrentAmmo
- GetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
- GetPluginVersion
- GetQuestObjectiveCount
- GetRace
- GetRaceEyes
- GetRaceHairs
- GetRaceName
- GetRawFormIDString
- GetRefCount
- GetRefs
- GetRefsInCell
- GetRefVariable
- GetRepairList
- GetScopeModelPath
- GetScript
- GetSelfAlt
- GetSoldItemInvRef
- GetSourceModIndex
- GetStringGameSetting
- GetStringINISetting
- GetTeleportCell
- GetTexturePath
- GetTFC
- GetTokenRef
- GetTokenValue
- GetUIFloat
- GetUIFloatAlt
- GetUserTime
- GetVariable
- GetWeaponActionPoints
- GetWeaponAimArc
- GetWeaponAmmo
- GetWeaponAmmoUse
- GetWeaponAnimAttackMult
- GetWeaponAnimJamTime
- GetWeaponAnimMult
- GetWeaponAnimReloadTime
- GetWeaponAnimShotsPerSec
- GetWeaponAttackAnimation
- GetWeaponBaseVATSChance
- GetWeaponCanUseAmmo
- GetWeaponClipRounds
- GetWeaponCritChance
- GetWeaponCritDamage
- GetWeaponCritEffect
- GetWeaponFireDelayMax
- GetWeaponFireDelayMin
- GetWeaponFireRate
- GetWeaponFlags1
- GetWeaponFlags2
- GetWeaponHandGrip
- GetWeaponHasScope
- GetWeaponIsAutomatic
- GetWeaponItemMod
- GetWeaponItemModEffect
- GetWeaponItemModValue1
- GetWeaponItemModValue2
- GetWeaponLimbDamageMult
- GetWeaponLongBursts
- GetWeaponMaxRange
- GetWeaponMinRange
- GetWeaponMinSpread
- GetWeaponNumProjectiles
- GetWeaponProjectile
- GetWeaponReach
- GetWeaponRegenRate
- GetWeaponReloadAnim
- GetWeaponRequiredSkill
- GetWeaponRequiredStrength
- GetWeaponResistType
- GetWeaponRumbleDuration
- GetWeaponRumbleLeftMotor
- GetWeaponRumbleRightMotor
- GetWeaponRumbleWaveLength
- GetWeaponRumbleWavelength
- GetWeaponSightFOV
- GetWeaponSightUsage
- GetWeaponSkill
- GetWeaponSpread
- GetWeaponType
- GetWeight
- Goto
- IntToBin
- IsClonedForm
- IsControl
- IsControlDisabled
- IsControlPressed
- IsDigit
- IsEquipped
- IsEquippedAmmoInList
- IsEventHandlerFirst
- IsEventHandlerLast
- IsFormValid
- IsInventoryRef
- IsKeyDisabled
- IsKeyPressed
- IsLetter
- IsLoadDoor
- IsModLoaded
- IsOwned
- IsPersistent
- IsPlayable
- IsPlayerSwimming
- IsPluginInstalled
- IsPowerArmor
- IsPrintable
- IsPunctuation
- IsQuestItem
- IsReference
- IsRefInList
- IsScripted
- IsUpperCase
- SetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- SetActorBaseFlagsLow
- SetAltControl
- SetAmmoConsumedPercent
- SetArmorArmorRating
- SetArmorDT
- SetAttackDamage
- SetBaseItemValue
- SetBipedIconPathEx
- SetBipedModelPathEx
- SetBit
- SetConsoleEcho
- SetControl
- SetCurrentHealth
- SetCurrentQuest
- SetDebugMode
- SetDoorTeleport
- SetEditorID
- SetEquipmentBipedMask
- SetEquipmentSlotsMask
- SetEquippedCurrentHealth
- SetEquippedWeaponModFlags
- SetEventHandler
- SetEventHandlerAlt
- SetEyes
- SetEyesFlags
- SetFlagsHigh
- SetFlagsLow
- SetFunctionValue
- SetHair
- SetHairColor
- SetHairFlags
- SetHairLength
- SetHotkeyItem
- SetIconPath
- SetIconPathEx
- SetIsControl
- SetIsPlayable
- SetIsPowerArmor
- SetModelPath
- SetModelPathEx
- SetModLocalData
- SetName
- SetNameEx
- SetNPCHeight
- SetNPCWeight
- SetNthDefaultForm
- SetNthFactionRankNameEx
- SetNthPackage
- SetNumericGameSetting
- SetNumericINISetting
- SetObjectHealth
- SetOpenKey
- SetOutputLocalMapPicturesGrids
- SetOwningFactionRequiredRank
- SetPackageLocationRadius
- SetPackageLocationReference
- SetPackageTargetDistance
- SetPackageTargetReference
- SetPermanent
- SetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
- SetQuestItem
- SetRefCount
- SetRefVariable
- SetRepairList
- SetScopeModelPath
- SetScript
- SetStringGameSettingEx
- SetStringINISetting
- SetTexturePath
- SetTokenRef
- SetTokenValue
- SetTokenValueAndRef
- SetUIFloat
- SetUIFloatAlt
- SetUIString
- SetUIStringAlt
- SetUIStringEx
- SetVariable
- SetWeaponActionPoints
- SetWeaponAimArc
- SetWeaponAmmo
- SetWeaponAmmoUse
- SetWeaponAnimAttackMult
- SetWeaponAnimMult
- SetWeaponAttackAnimation
- SetWeaponBaseVATSChance
- SetWeaponClipRounds
- SetWeaponCritChance
- SetWeaponCritDamage
- SetWeaponCritEffect
- SetWeaponFireRate
- SetWeaponFlags1
- SetWeaponFlags2
- SetWeaponHandGrip
- SetWeaponIsAutomatic
- SetWeaponLimbDamageMult
- SetWeaponLongBursts
- SetWeaponMaxRange
- SetWeaponMinRange
- SetWeaponMinSpread
- SetWeaponNumProjectiles
- SetWeaponProjectile
- SetWeaponReach
- SetWeaponRegenRate
- SetWeaponReloadAnim
- SetWeaponRequiredSkill
- SetWeaponRequiredStrength
- SetWeaponResistType
- SetWeaponSightFOV
- SetWeaponSightUsage
- SetWeaponSkill
- SetWeaponSpread
- SetWeaponType
- SetWeight
- ShowLevelUpMenu
- SortUIListBox
- Sv Compare
- Sv Construct
- Sv Count
- Sv Destruct
- Sv Erase
- Sv Find
- Sv GetChar
- Sv Insert
- Sv Length
- Sv Percentify
- Sv Replace
- Sv Set
- Sv Split
- Sv SubString
- Sv ToLower
- Sv ToNumeric
- Sv ToUpper