Category:Actor Functions
(Redirected from Actor Functions)
Functions related to Actors.
See Also
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Pages in category "Actor Functions"
The following 356 pages are in this category, out of 356 total.
- GetActiveRanks
- GetActorAlpha
- GetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- GetActorBaseFlagsLow
- GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy
- GetActorDiveBreath
- GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy
- GetActorLeveledList
- GetActorLevelingData
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMovementFlags
- GetActorProcessingLevel
- GetActorsByProcessingLevel
- GetActorTemplate
- GetActorTemplateFlag
- GetActorTiltAngle
- GetActorValueModifier
- GetActorVelocity
- GetActorVelocityAlt
- GetActorVoiceType
- GetAlarmed
- GetAllPerks
- GetAltPerkRank
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetArmourPenetrated
- GetAshPileSource
- GetAttacked
- GetAvailablePerks
- GetBaseActorValueAlt
- GetBaseEquippedWeight
- GetBaseFactionRank
- GetBaseFactions
- GetBaseKarma
- GetBaseNthFaction
- GetBaseNthRank
- GetBaseNumFactions
- GetBaseRanks
- GetBodyPartData
- GetCalculatedEquippedWeight
- GetCalculatedMaxCarryWeight
- GetCalculatedSpread
- GetCauseofDeath
- GetCombatAllies
- GetCombatDisabled
- GetCombatStyle
- GetCombatTarget
- GetCombatTargets
- GetCompassHostiles
- GetContactRefs
- GetContainerInventoryCount
- GetCreatureDamage
- GetCreatureFootWeight
- GetCreatureModels
- GetCreatureReach
- GetCreatureSoundsTemplate
- GetCreatureTurningSpeed
- GetCreatureType
- GetCreatureWeaponList
- GetCrippledLimbsAsBitMask
- GetCurrentAmmo
- GetCurrentAmmoRounds
- GetCurrentFurnitureRef
- GetCurrentPackage
- GetCurrentStablePackage
- GetDead
- GetDeathItem
- GetDetectedActors
- GetDetectingActors
- GetDetectionValue
- GetDialogueEmotion
- GetDialogueEmotionValue
- GetDialogueTarget
- GetDisposition
- GetDroppedRefs
- GetEncumbranceRate
- GetEnemyHealthTarget
- GetEquippedCurrentHealth
- GetEquippedData
- GetEquippedEx
- GetEquippedItemRefs
- GetEquippedItems
- GetEquippedItemsAsBitMask
- GetEquippedWeaponModFlags
- GetEquippedWeaponType
- GetExcludedCombatActions
- GetEyes
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionRelation
- GetFactions
- GetFallTimeElapsed
- GetFallTimeRemaining
- GetFollowers
- GetForceHitReaction
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGroundMaterial
- GetHair
- GetHairColor
- GetHairLength
- GetHit3DData
- GetHitAttacker
- GetHitBaseWeaponDamage
- GetHitExtendedFlag
- GetHitFatigueDamage
- GetHitHealthDamage
- GetHitLimbDamage
- GetHitLocationLingering
- GetHitProjectile
- GetHitWeapon
- GetIgnoreCrime
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetImpactMaterialType
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInFaction
- GetInFactionList
- GetInterruptPackage
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCreatureType
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsPoisoned
- GetIsRagdolled
- GetItemCount
- GetKiller
- GetKillXP
- GetLevCreatureRefs
- GetLevel
- GetLeveledActorBase
- GetLifeState
- GetLineOfSight
- GetMajorCrimeCount
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetMinorCrimeCount
- GetNearestCompassHostile
- GetNearestCompassHostileDirection
- GetNthPackage
- GetNumActorsInRangeFromRef
- GetNumBrokenEquippedItems
- GetNumCombatActorsFromActor
- GetNumCompassHostiles
- GetNumCrippledLimbs
- GetObjectUnderFeet
- GetPackageCount
- GetPackageFlag
- GetPackageLocation
- GetPackageLocationRadius
- GetPackageTarget
- GetPackageTargetDistance
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPerkModifier
- GetPlantedExplosive
- GetPlayedIdle
- GetPlayerTeammate
- GetPlayerTeammateCount
- GetRace
- GetRaceFlag
- GetRadiationLevelAlt
- GetRunSpeed
- GetServiceFlag
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetTeammates
- GetVATSTargetable
- GetWalkSpeed
- IgnoreCrime
- IsActorInvisibleToPlayer
- IsActorRefEssential
- IsActorsAIOff
- IsAnimPlayingEx
- IsAnimPlayingExCond
- IsAttacking
- IsCombatTarget
- IsCompassHostile
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsEquippedWeaponMelee
- IsEquippedWeaponRanged
- IsEquippedWeaponScoped
- IsEquippedWeaponSilenced
- IsIdlePlayingEx
- IsInAir
- IsInCombatWith
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInWater
- IsJumping
- IsLimbCrippled
- IsLimbGone
- IsPlayerInRegion
- IsPlayerSwimming
- IsRaceInList
- IsSpellTargetAlt
- IsSpellTargetList
- IsSwimming
- SameFaction
- SameRace
- SameSex
- Say
- SayTo
- SayTo GetTopic
- SayTo GetTopicInfo
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorAnimationPath
- SetActorBaseFlagsHigh
- SetActorBaseFlagsLow
- SetActorDiveBreath
- SetActorFullName
- SetActorLevelingData
- SetActorsAI
- SetActorTemplateFlag
- SetActorTiltAngle
- SetActorVelocity
- SetActorVoiceType
- SetAlert
- SetAllVisible
- SetBaseFactionRank
- SetBaseKarma
- SetClass
- SetCombatDisabled
- SetCreatureBaseScale
- SetCreatureDamage
- SetCreatureFootWeight
- SetCreatureReach
- SetCreatureSoundsTemplate
- SetCreatureTurningSpeed
- SetCurrentAmmoRounds
- SetDeathItem
- SetEquippedData
- SetExcludedCombatActions
- SetEyes
- SetFullNameAlt
- SetHair
- SetHairColor
- SetHairLength
- SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- SetImpactMaterialType
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoAvoidance
- SetNPCRadio
- SetNthPackage
- SetOnAnimActionEventHandler
- SetOnCrippledLimbEventHandler
- SetOnFireWeaponEventHandler
- SetOnHealthDamageEventHandler
- SetOnPlayGroupEventHandler
- SetOnReloadWeaponEventHandler
- SetPackageFlag
- SetPackageLocationRadius
- SetPackageLocationReference
- SetPackageTargetDistance
- SetPackageTargetReference
- SetPCEnemyOfFaction
- SetPerkRank
- SetPlayerTeammate
- SetRace
- SetRaceFlag
- SetSceneIsComplex
- SetServiceFlag
- SetSpeedMult
- SetTalkingActivatorActor
- SetVATSTargetable
- SetWeaponOut
- StartCombat
- StartConversation
- StopCombat
- StopCombatAlarmOnActor
- StopIdle
- StopLook