- To see functions broken down by type, see Function Types.
- For a complete list of all functions, see Complete List of Function in Fallout New Vegas.
- To get all of the F3 functions in a spreadsheet, get this file. File:Fallout3commands.rar
- Here is an old online list of script and console functions - Fallout 3 Commands
See Also
- Functions (All)
- Example User Defined Functions are available, which use already existing functions to make new User Defined Functions.
This category has the following 27 subcategories, out of 27 total.
- Function Alias
- Function Types
- Functions (AnhNVSE)
- Functions (BookMenu)
- Functions (ButcherPete FOSE)
- Functions (Clear Command NVSE)
- Functions (Command Extender)
- Functions (FOSE)
- Functions (GECK)
- Functions (Hot Reload)
- Functions (JIP)
- Functions (JohnnyGuitar NVSE)
- Functions (kNVSE)
- Functions (MCM)
- Functions (NVSE)
- Functions (NX)
- Functions (PostalOut NVSE)
- Functions (ppNVSE)
- Functions (ShowOff NVSE)
- Functions (SUP NVSE Plugin)
- Functions (TTW)
- Functions (Vegas)
Pages in category "Functions"
The following 552 pages are in this category, out of 552 total.
- Abs
- Activate
- AddAchievement
- AddCardToPlayer
- AddCreatureToLeveledList
- AddFormToFormList
- AddItem
- AddItemHealthPercent
- AddItemToLeveledList
- AddNote
- AddNPCToLeveledList
- AddPerk
- AddReputation
- AddReputationExact
- AddScriptPackage
- AddSPECIALPoints
- AddSpell
- AddTagSkills
- AddToFaction
- AddTopic
- AdvancePCLevel
- AgeRace
- AlwaysShowActorSubtitles
- ApplyImageSpaceModifier
- AttachAshPile
- AutoDisplayObjectives
- Autosave
- CastImmediateOnSelf
- ChallengeLocked
- ClearActorsFactionsPlayerEnemyFlag
- ClearDestruction
- ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag
- ClearNoActivationSound
- ClearOwnership
- ClearScreenSplatter
- Complete List of Functions in Fallout 3
- Complete List of Functions in Fallout New Vegas (OLD LIST)
- CompleteAllObjectives
- CompleteAllQuestStages
- CompleteQuest
- Cos
- CreateDetectionEvent
- GameDaysPassed
- GetActionRef
- GetActorAggroRadiusViolated
- GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy
- GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy
- GetActorValue
- GetAddedItemRefShowOff
- GetAlarmed
- GetAngle
- GetAnimAction
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetBroadcastState
- GetButtonPressed
- GetCannibal
- GetCasinoWinningsLevel
- GetCasinoWinningStage
- GetCauseofDeath
- GetChallengeCompleted
- GetClothingValue
- GetCombatTarget
- GetConcussed
- GetContainer
- GetContainerInventoryCount
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetCurrentTime
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetDayOfWeek
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDefaultOpen
- GetDestroyed
- GetDestructionStage
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDialogueEmotion
- GetDialogueEmotionValue
- GetDisabled
- GetDisposition
- GetDistance
- GetEquipped
- GetEquippedWeapon
- GetFactionCombatReaction
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetFactionRelation
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetGameSetting
- GetGlobalValue
- GetGroupMemberCount
- GetGroupTargetCount
- GetHasNote
- GetHeadingAngle
- GetHealthPercentage
- GetHitLocation
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetIgnoreCrime
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInCharGen
- GetInFaction
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetInZone
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsAlignment
- GetIsClass
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCreatureType
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetIsFormType
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsLockBroken
- GetIsObjectType
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsRace
- GetIsReference
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemEquipType
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetIsVoiceType
- GetItemCount
- GetKillingBlowLimb
- GetKnockedState
- GetLastHitCritical
- GetLastPlayerAction
- GetLevel
- GetLineOfSight
- GetLinkedRef
- GetLocked
- GetLockLevel
- GetMajorCrimeCount
- GetMapMarkerVisible
- GetMinorCrimeCount
- GetObjectiveCompleted
- GetObjectiveDisplayed
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetOpenState
- GetOwnerLastTarget
- GetPackageTarget
- GetParentRef
- GetPCEnemyOfFaction
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPermanentActorValue
- GetPlantedExplosive
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerControlsDisabledAlt
- GetPlayerControlsDisabledAltEx
- GetPlayerGrabbedRef
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerTeammate
- GetPlayerTeammateCount
- GetPos
- GetQuestCompleted
- GetQuestCompletedAlt
- GetQuestRunning
- GetQuestVariable
- GetRadiationLevel
- GetRandomPercent
- GetReputation
- GetReputationPct
- GetReputationThreshold
- GetRestrained
- GetSandman
- GetScale
- GetScriptVariable
- GetSecondsPassed
- GetSelf
- GetSelfAlt
- GetShouldAttack
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetStage
- GetStageDone
- GetStartingAngle
- GetStartingPos
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetThreatRatio
- GetTimeDead
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GetUnconscious
- GetUsedItemActivate
- GetVATSBackAreaFree
- GetVATSBackTargetVisible
- GetVATSFrontAreaFree
- GetVATSFrontTargetVisible
- GetVATSLeftAreaFree
- GetVATSLeftTargetVisible
- GetVATSMode
- GetVATSRightAreaFree
- GetVATSRightTargetVisible
- GetVATSTargetHeight
- GetVATSValue
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponHealthPerc
- GetWindSpeed
- GetXPForNextLevel
- IgnoreCrime
- IncrementScriptedChallenge
- IsActionRef
- IsActor
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorDetected
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorsAIOff
- IsActorTalkingThroughActivator
- IsAlwaysHardcore
- IsAnimPlaying
- IsCellOwner
- IsChild
- IsCloudy
- IsCombatTarget
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGoreDisabled
- IsGreetingPlayer
- IsHardcore
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsImageSpaceActive
- IsInCombat
- IsInCriticalStage
- IsInInterior
- IsInList
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsKiller
- IsKillerObject
- IsLastIdlePlaying
- IsLeftUp
- IsLimbGone
- IsMoving
- IsOwner
- IsPC1stPerson
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPCSleeping
- IsPlayerActionActive
- IsPlayerGrabbedRef
- IsPlayerInRegion
- IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
- IsPlayerTagSkill
- IsPleasant
- IsPS3
- IsRaining
- IsRunning
- IsSneaking
- IsSnowing
- IsSpellTarget
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTalkingActivatorActor
- IsTimePassing
- IsTrespassing
- IsTurning
- IsWaiting
- IsWaterObject
- IsWeaponInList
- IsWeaponOut
- IsWin32
- IsXBox
- ReleaseWeatherOverride
- RemapWaterType
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveAllTypedItems
- RemoveFromAllFactions
- RemoveFromFaction
- RemoveImageSpaceModifier
- RemoveItem
- RemoveMe
- RemoveMerchantContainer
- RemoveNote
- RemovePerk
- RemoveRecurringFromChallenge
- RemoveReputation
- RemoveReputationExact
- RemoveScriptPackage
- RemoveSpell
- Reset3DState
- ResetAI
- ResetFallDamageTimer
- ResetHealth
- ResetInterior
- ResetInteriorAlt
- ResetInventory
- ResetPipboyManager
- ResetQuest
- ResetXP
- RestoreActorValue
- ResurrectActor
- Return
- RewardKarma
- RewardXP
- Rotate
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- Say
- SayTo
- SayTo GetTopic
- SayTo GetTopicInfo
- ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
- SendAssaultAlarm
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorFullName
- SetActorRefEssential
- SetActorsAI
- SetActorValue
- SetAlert
- SetAllVisible
- SetAlly
- SetAngle
- SetAudioMultiThreading
- SetBroadcastState
- SetCellFullName
- SetCellImageSpace
- SetCellOwnership
- SetCellPublicFlag
- SetClass
- SetCombatStyle
- SetCriticalStage
- SetDefaultOpen
- SetDestroyed
- SetDisposition
- SetEnableParent
- SetEnemy
- SetEssential
- SetFactionRank
- SetFactionReaction
- SetForceRun
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetGlobalTimeMultiplier
- SetHardcore
- SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- SetImageSpace
- SetInChargen
- SetItemValue
- SetLastExtDoorActivated
- SetLevel
- SetLocationSpecificLoadScreensOnly
- SetMaxAniso
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetMinimalUse
- SetNoActivationSound
- SetNoAvoidance
- SetNPCRadio
- SetObjectiveCompleted
- SetObjectiveDisplayed
- SetOpenState
- SetOwnership
- SetPackDuration
- SetPCCanUsePowerArmor
- SetPCEnemyOfFaction
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCSleepHours
- SetPCToddler
- SetPCYoung
- SetPlayerTagSkill
- SetPlayerTeammate
- SetPos
- SetQuestDelay
- SetQuestObject
- SetReputation
- SetRestrained
- SetRigidBodyMass
- SetRumble
- SetScale
- SetSceneIsComplex
- SetSecuritronExpression
- SetShowQuestItems
- SetSize
- SetSPECIALPoints
- SetStage
- SetTagSkills
- SetTalkingActivatorActor
- SetUnconscious
- SetVatsTarget
- SetWeaponHealthPerc
- SetWeather
- SetZoneRespawns
- SexChange
- ShowAllMapMarkers
- ShowBarberMenu
- ShowBarterMenu
- ShowBlackJackMenuParams
- ShowBookMenu
- ShowCaravanMenu
- ShowComputersInterface
- ShowHackingMiniGame
- ShowLoveTesterMenuParams
- ShowMap
- ShowMessage
- ShowNameMenu
- ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
- ShowRaceMenu
- ShowRecipeMenu
- ShowRepairMenu
- ShowRouletteMenuParams
- ShowSleepWaitMenu
- ShowSlotMachineMenuParams
- ShowSPECIALBookMenuParams
- ShowTraitMenu
- ShowTutorialMenu
- ShowViewerStrings
- ShowWarning
- Sin
- SkipAnim
- Sqrt
- StartAllQuests
- StartCannibal
- StartCombat
- StartConversation
- StartMisterSandman
- StartQuest
- StartRadioConversation
- StopCombat
- StopCombatAlarmOnActor
- StopLook
- StopMagicEffectVisuals
- StopMagicShaderVisuals
- StopQuest
- StopWaiting
- SwapTextureOnRef
- SystemSave